Production Process

In today's task, we were given four videos to asses with the topic of design thinking. What is design thinking? well from my perspective design thinking is gathering information/ideas or having a vision before creating something. This also includes collecting secondary and primary resources and also interacting with an audience to get a feel of what type of content you want.

I think it is very important to include design thinking in your projects as it gives you a sense of what kind of content you want to release or share. The video by aj&smart did a good job at explaining the five steps of design thinking you could use.

  1. Empathize gather information to understand who your target audience is and understand who you are designing for.

  2. Define then taking that information and defining what their needs, wants and challenges are.

  3. Isolate start brainstorming with the information from what you learned from the first two steps.

  4. Prototype taking all those ideas and breaking them down to get a vision. 

  5. Testing and finally sharing those ideas with your peers to receive feedback. 

You can apply all these tools to digital media productions e.g. when creating a website these tools can come in handy as you need to know what would attract people. Podcasts require a strong series of planning and receiving feedback for current and future episodes. 

In traditional production, we use these skills when developing a script or even a brief storyline. According to a video by FiveMinuteFilmSchool, there are three steps when it comes to production.

Preproduction setting the overall vision for your projects includes brainstorming ideas, pitching, writing, and figuring out costs.

The production aim is to stick to a budget and schedule while starting your filming process.

Post-production. when the editing comes to play by adding sound effects, music, picture editing, etc.

When I think about future group projects, I ponder on how these tips can be useful for me and my group. The 5 elements that I previously discussed show how we can use these skills by sharing information amongst each other and building communication skills.

We can share and teach each other our individual skills like editing, designing, writing, etc. This would also be a great opportunity to get to know our peers and learn each other’s likes, dislikes, opinions, and challenges. 

With zero to no budget, I do feel like we are limited when it comes to things like editing, location, and hiring staff, so we are unlikely to apply some of those skills discussed in the video.



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